Silver Skater

A skater from the Hollywood, California area. I've been skating in Hollywood since the age of 4 and now, over 20 years later, I'm still skating in Hollywood.

Wednesday, October 10, 2007


CommunicationYou are alive as you can communicate.

Communication skills are essential in any sphere of human interaction. In fact, when all is said and done, on whatever level, communication is the sole activity all people share. The ability to communicate is vital to the success of any endeavor. And that’s why Communication by L. Ron Hubbard is essential to your greater understanding of this essential facet of life.

Learn what good communication consists of and how to recognize bad communication, what the component parts of communication are and how to utilize them, and why more communication, not less, brings you greater freedom. Included in this booklet are numerous drills which improve communication level and provide great practical application to life. Buy Communication and gain the tools you can use to be alive and improve life.

Communication Testimonials & Results

Growing up as a teenager was very difficult for a young woman from Los Angeles as she was not able to communicate to her parents as she would have liked to. She related:

"I loved my parents, but sometimes my communication would not get across to them. I, of course, blamed them for this. After learning the communication formula, and learning what two-way communication was, I was very surprised to find that it was quite easy to talk to my parents. We can now talk about most anything and there is understanding between us, where there wasn’t before. The love between us has grown and I like it very much. What a difference this has made in my life. Thank you, Mr. Hubbard."

In New York City, a girl who had just learned about L. Ron Hubbard's technology on communication was walking home with her husband one night when they heard sudden screeching brakes and a thump. They swiftly walked over to the scene of the accident—a man had been hit by a car driven by a drunk driver. The wife said that just by knowing and using the communication formula and how to control a situation, she was able to handle a lot of confusion:

"The man was obviously in pain. My husband immediately began using basic Scientology techniques to assist the man and told me to start putting order into the environment. So I got the drunken driver and the other four unruly, intoxicated men out of their car and got them under control. By then a crowd of nearly fifty people had gathered and within ten minutes, using what I had learned about communication, I had them under control too. When the police showed up, there was virtually nothing left for them to do. I told one of them what we had done and then another cop, who hadn't heard our communication cycle, asked me to step behind the rope. The cop I had spoken to told him, 'Not her, she's the one that did our job!' The driver was carted off to jail and the man who was hit was doing much better and on his way to the hospital. We were taken to the police station and filed reports as witnesses and were thanked by the New York Police Department. The sergeant told us that he wished a lot more people could do what we did. This stuff works!"

Communication was a big problem to a woman living on the West Coast. She was painfully shy and life was pretty miserable as a result. Her own description of the situation was:

"Before I learned about the formula of communication, I didn't speak to anyone I didn’t know very well. I used to prop up the wall at parties. I had to ask someone else’s opinion before I made any decision in my life. I had had one boyfriend for four weeks only, and I was twenty-five years old! Now I am a lot more sure of myself: I make my own decisions which are always correct and I feel able to speak freely to anyone I meet. I am a lot closer to my family and last month I got engaged to be married. Knowing and using the communication formula has really changed my life."

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More Scientology Volunteer Ministers Publications

Scientology: Answers to Drugs

Assists for Illnesses & Injuries

Learn how to administer the same procedures used by the Volunteer Ministers who helped thousands at disaster sites in New York City, Oklahoma, Kosovo, Kobe, Japan and many others. They’re in the booklet, Assists for Illnesses and Injuries by L. Ron Hubbard.

But these techniques have a much broader range and use. Because people get hurt and sick in the business of living, the “assists” you’ll learn from this booklet can be applied any time, anywhere and bring spiritual relief to the pain and suffering of people in your family and community.

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Scientology: Answers to Drugs

The Emotional Tone Scale

You can predict other people’s behavior.

You are living life and things don’t always go the way you had predicted. You may have a spouse and he is not as you had imagined, so what do you do? You now have no way out. How can you prevent this? You are in business and the deal just fell through. How can you predict what is going to happen in the future? How do you know who to trust?

Life and relationships can sometimes be fragile. You can improve your relationships and know who to associate with.

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Scientology: Answers to Drugs

Answers to Drugs

There is an answer to drugs.

Effective. Proven. The discoveries in the booklet, Answer to Drugs, by L. Ron Hubbard, has salvaged lives ruined by drug and alcohol abuse. It gets results. Learn the real reason behind substance abuse. Find out the truth about how drugs affect the human spirit and mind. And what you can DO ABOUT IT! It’s practical, easy-to-use and understand. Simple steps to use to help someone kick the drug habit. Order now and start reading.

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Scientology: Answers to Drugs


Build and strengthen any marriage or relationship.

Here in one booklet is a simple, yet powerful technology for use in building successful and lasting relationships, even when it seems all hope has ended. Something can be done to alleviate the pain and anguish connected to marital difficulties. There are practical tools for restoring any marriage, no matter how badly it’s been torn apart. These solutions come with the best recommendations of all: they WORK. Get the Marriage booklet by L. Ron Hubbard and discover how relationships fall apart in the first place, and learn the practical and effective tools to improve and rebuild them.

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Scientology: Answers to Drugs

Components of Understanding

What constitutes understanding? Know the answer to that and you have the secret to handling life itself. In the booklet, The Components of Understanding, you’ll learn about the magic triangle which makes or breaks life; how to heal a breach in a relationship, and exactly how to prevent that breach; how to avoid conflicts; how to make new friends; how to repair a friendship that seems beyond hope. Read it and know how to understand people and situations. And THAT opens the door to helping people FOR REAL.

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Scientology: Answers to Drugs


Help build your child’s future.

Find answers—workable answers—in the revolutionary booklet, Children, by L. Ron Hubbard. Here are simple and effective ways to understand and help your child become a healthy, happy, loving and productive member of society. Discover basic principles about raising children and a wealth of easy-to-apply exercises you can use right now to bring out the best in any child—and the best in you.

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More Publications:

Basics Of Organizing
Cause Of Suppression, The
Dynamics Of Existence, The
Ethics And The Conditions
Fundamentals Of Public Relations
How To Resolve Conflicts
Integrity And Honesty
Solutions For A Dangerous Environment
Targets and Goals
Tools For The Workplace

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Tuesday, October 09, 2007

Affinity, Reality and Communication

There are three factors in Scientology which are of the utmost importance in handling life. These three factors answer the questions: How should I talk to people? How can I give new ideas to people? How can I find what people are thinking about? How can I handle my work better?

These three factors in Scientology are called the ARC triangle. The abbreviation ARC (pronounced A-R-C rather than arc) is one of the most useful terms yet devised.

The ARC triangle is called a triangle because it has three related points. The first of these points is affinity. The second of these points is reality. The third of these points and the most important is communication.

These three factors are related. By affinity we mean emotional response. We mean the feeling of affection or lack of it, of emotion or misemotion (irrational or inappropriate emotion) connected with life. By reality we mean the solid objects, the real things of life. By communication we mean an interchange of ideas between two terminals (persons who can receive, relay or send a communication). Without affinity there is no reality or communication. Without reality there is no affinity or communication. Without communication there is neither affinity nor reality.

Application of the ARC triangle in the day-to-day circumstances one encounters in life requires an understanding of each of the triangle’s components and their interrelationship.

The ARC Triangle

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Saturday, October 06, 2007

What are you actually accomplishing in life? does one get things done? How does one make a dream a reality or carry a plan through to completion? Many of us seem to have unrealized goals or incomplete plans and many of us face tasks that appear overwhelming, even impossible to achieve. This is true not only of individuals, but of companies and even countries. History is filled with failed projects.

Here is the solution.

The Administrative Scale

The achievement of one’s goals, no matter how large or small the endeavor, relies on goals, purposes and activities being aligned and organized.

A goal is not something that one decides upon which then miraculously comes to fruition, just because one decided it would. The attainment of a goal necessitates that certain actions be carried out in the real world which effect some change for the better and a step closer toward its accomplishment.

One can be working toward a goal, but discover that his actions do not yield any forward progress. This occurs not only for an individual in his life, but also for an organization, state or country of any size. This can be a result of the plans, actions and other factors not being aligned to attain the goal.

There are actually a number of subjects that make up an activity. Each of these must operate in a coordinated manner to achieve success in the intended accomplishment of the envisioned goal.

A scale has been developed in Scientology which gives a sequence (and relative seniority) of subjects relating to organization.

A goal is a known objective toward which actions are directed with the purpose of achieving that end.

A purpose is a lesser goal applying to specific activities or subjects. It often expresses future intentions.

Policy consists of the operational rules or guides for the organization which are not subject to change.

A plan is a short-range broad intention thought up for the handling of a broad area to remedy it or expand it, or to obstruct or impede an opposition to expansion.

A program is a series of steps in sequence to carry out a plan.

A project is a sequence of steps written to carry out one step of a program.

An order is a verbal or written direction to carry out a program step or apply general policy.

Ideal Scenes
An ideal scene expresses what a scene or area ought to be. If one has not envisioned an ideal scene with which to compare the existing scene, he will not be able to recognize departures from it.

A statistic is a number or amount compared to an earlier number or amount of the same thing. Statistics refer to the quantity of work done or the value of it.

Valuable Final Products
A valuable final product is a product that can be exchanged for the services or goods of the society.


In short, for success, all these items in the scale must agree with all other items in the scale on the same subject.

Let us take “golf balls” as a subject for the scale. Then all these scale items must be in agreement with one another on the subject of golf balls. It is an interesting exercise.

The scale also applies in a destructive subject. Like “cockroaches.”

When an item in the scale is not aligned with the other items, the project will be hindered, if not fail.

The skill with which all these items in any activity are aligned and gotten into action is called MANAGEMENT.

Group members only become upset when one or more of these points are not aligned to the rest and at least some group agreement.

Groups appear slow, inefficient, unhappy, inactive or quarrelsome only when these items are not aligned, made known and coordinated.

Any activity can be improved by debugging or aligning this scale in relation to the group activity.

As lack of agreement breeds lessened communication and lessened affinity, it follows that unreal items on the scale (not aligned) produce upsets and disaffection.

It then follows that when these scale items are well aligned with each other and the group, there will be high agreement, high communication and high affinity in the group.

Group mores aligned so and followed by the group gives one an ethical group and also establishes what will then be considered as harmful, contrasurvival acts in the group by group members.
This scale and its parts and ability to line them up are one of the most valuable tools of organization.

Learn More:
Making planning an actuality >
Plans and programs >

Visit the Scientology Handbook site (

Tuesday, October 02, 2007

Dianetics: The Modern Science of Mental Health

The bolt from the blue that began a worldwide movement. For while Ron had previously announced his discovery of the reactive mind, it had only fueled the fire of those wanting more information. More to the point — it was humanly impossible for one man to clear an entire planet. Encompassing all his previous discoveries and case histories of those breakthroughs in application, Ron provided the complete handbook of Dianetics procedure to train auditors to use it everywhere. A bestseller for more than half a century and with tens of millions of copies in print, Dianetics: The Modern Science of Mental Health has been translated in more than fifty languages, and used in more than 100 countries of Earth — indisputably, the most widely read and influential book about the human mind ever written. And that is why it will forever be known as Book One.

Dianetics Lectures and Demonstrations

Immediately following the publication of Dianetics, LRH began lecturing to packed auditoriums across America. Although addressing thousands at a time, demand continued to grow. To meet that demand, his presentation in Oakland, California, was recorded. In these four lectures, Ron related the events that sparked his investigation and his personal journey to his groundbreaking discoveries. He followed it all with a personal demonstration of Dianetics auditing — the only such demonstration of Book One available.

4 lectures / Titles include: • Introduction to Dianetics • What Dianetics Can Do • Running an Engram • How to Resolve Stalled Cases.

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