Silver Skater

A skater from the Hollywood, California area. I've been skating in Hollywood since the age of 4 and now, over 20 years later, I'm still skating in Hollywood.

Thursday, February 15, 2007

Skateboarding capitalist styleskateboarding in a mall
The old mall (which will remain nameless as will the city and skaters) rested on the side of a well traveled road in an area of the city that had seen its prime. Open doors beckoned us, voices of the skate gods seeped from within as we approached. It had already been scouted, hushed roumers had moved thought the close knit community of skaters with details vague to keep the rabble away.

The crew rolled deep, three full carloads, most from out of town who had came in to hang. Rain had broken plans for a streetbattle, so we had no choice but to follow the hints and cryptic clues for some kind of session. Anticipation mounted, Can we getin? Will we get busted? Whats it like? Is it worth it?

Then came the moment. We stood in the center of a capitalist's dream gone bad, an abandoned mall. Steps and inclines, even benches had been set upfor our grinding pleasure by those who came before us. Vandals had also beaten us to this place, broken glass littered the floor. We used our boards and fingersto clear the necessary path. Then it was on. Grinds and slides and ollies, sounds of wood hitting the hard floor and the screechof wheels replaced what must have been the murmurs of conversations and jingle of cash registers. Just as quick it was overas the light left the skylights and forced us to our cars and homes and late night hangs.

Used to be when we walked through a mall we looked around and thought "It would be nice to skate this..." now when we walk through the mall we look around and say yea "I hit this".


Blogger johnalexwood said...

Hi - I've just added a link from your blog to my blog! JW

2:42 PM  

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